20+ Years Experience

Specialist Fridge Trailer Hire

Fridge Trailer Hire in Wembley Park

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Whether you’re catering an event, transporting perishable goods, or simply in need of additional storage or refrigeration capacity, the answer lies in the cool convenience of fridge trailer hire in Wembley Park.

This innovative service offers a flexible and portable refrigeration solution that adapts to your specific needs, providing a chilled or frozen environment wherever and whenever you need it.

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Why Use Us?

Our fridge and freezer trailers in Wembley Park are equipped with state-of-the-art easily controllable internal temperature technology.

Whether you need to keep items frozen or chilled, our refrigeration trailers maintain the perfect climate to preserve the quality of your goods throughout the entire journey.

We understand that one size does not fit all. That’s why we offer a range of fridge trailer sizes to accommodate varying quantities of goods.

From small businesses and restaurants to large enterprises, our fleet can cater to your specific delivery needs.

We believe in providing quality service in Wembley Park without breaking the bank. Our competitive pricing ensures that you get full delivery and the best value for your money.

Transparent and fair, our pricing structure is designed to accommodate various budgets.

Fridge Trailer Sizes

We offer three different freezer trailer hire options, these include:

Small Fridge Trailer Hire Wembley Park

Typically around 2.5m, Small fridge trailer hire is a practical and convenient solution for various events and businesses that require temporary refrigeration.

Event site organisers find a small fridge freezer trailer for site hire particularly useful for keeping beverages, fast food outlets, items, and perishable supplies fresh and at the right temperature.

Medium Fridge Trailer Hire Wembley Park

Generally around 3.0m, Whether you’re organising an event, catering for an event, festivals or facing a situation where your regular refrigeration is out of order, these trailers provide the perfect solution the ideal solution for a mobile and efficient cold storage option.

They typically come equipped with adjustable temperature settings, allowing you to customise the conditions based on the specific needs of your stored items.

Large Fridge Trailer Hire Wembley Park

Typically around 3.5m, Large fridge trailer hire is a practical and efficient solution for businesses and events that require temporary refrigeration on a larger scale.

Large fridge trailer hire services in Wembley Park contribute to supply-side sustainability by reducing the need for businesses and restaurants to invest in permanent refrigeration units that may not be utilised year-round.

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Wembley Park Fridge Trailer Hire Costs

The average cost of refrigerated trailer hire can vary between £350 – £700.

These prices vary mainly on the size of the trailer you want, as well as how long you’re looking to rent the trailer out for. If you would like a more accurate quote get in touch with a member of our Wembley Park team today for a free no-obligation quote.

What Influences Fridge Trailer Prices?

Various factors can influence the cost of refrigerated trailers, these include:

Benefits of a Fridge Trailer

Mobile refrigerated trailers have many benefits, some of these include:

Mobility and Versatility

Fridge trailers provide an ideal solution for a mobile refrigeration solution, allowing you to transport and store perishable goods wherever needed.

This is especially beneficial for events, catering businesses, or industries requiring temporary refrigeration.


Renting or hiring a fridge trailer can be a cost-effective alternative to investing in a permanent refrigeration system.

This is particularly advantageous for small businesses or events with a few hours of temporary refrigeration needs.

Customisable Temperature Control

Fridge trailers often come equipped with adjustable temperature controls, providing the flexibility to store different types of perishable goods.

This adaptability is crucial for maintaining the freshness and quality of various products.

Emergency Situations

Fridge trailers are invaluable during emergencies such as power supply and equipment failures or unforeseen spikes in refrigeration demands.

They offer a quick and efficient solution to prevent spoilage of perishable goods.

Event Catering

In the catering industry, refrigerated trailers are a staple for transporting and storing food at the right temperature.

Whether it’s a wedding, festival, event, or corporate event, these trailers ensure that food remains fresh until it’s ready to be served.

Fridge Trailer Manufacturers

Listed below are some of the main fridge trailer manufacturers:

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Fridge Trailers vs Freezer Trailers

When it comes to refrigerated freezer trailer options, the choice between a fridge trailer and a freezer trailer depends on your specific needs.

Both serve the purpose of keeping items at a controlled temperature, but they cater to different temperature ranges.

Fridge Trailers Wembley Park

A fridge trailer is designed to be refrigerated and maintain a cool temperature above freezing, typically around 0 to 8 degrees Celsius (32 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit).

This makes it an ideal refrigerated for delivery solution, suitable for storing and transporting perishable goods that require refrigeration but not freezing.

Freezer Trailers Wembley Park

On the other hand, a freezer trailer is equipped to maintain temperatures below freezing, usually ranging from -18 to -25 degrees Celsius (-0.4 to -13 degrees Fahrenheit).

This is essential for preserving frozen and refrigerated items and ensuring they remain at a safe temperature during transportation or storage.

When choosing between refrigerated and freezer trailers in Wembley Park, it’s crucial to consider the specific requirements of your goods and the temperature sensitivity of the items you’ll be transporting or storing.

Selecting the right type of trailer ensures that your products remain in optimal condition throughout the entire process, from loading to delivery.

Fridge Trailer Rental Options

There are two main forms of refrigerated trailers, these include:

Short-Term Fridge Trailer Hire Wembley Park

Short-term fridge or refrigerated trailer hire is a convenient solution for various situations. Whether you’re hosting a special event, catering for a large gathering, or dealing with a temporary increase in storage needs, renting a fridge or refrigerated trailer hire provides a flexible and efficient cooling solution.

The process of short-term refrigerated trailer hire in Wembley Park is typically straightforward. Rental companies often provide delivery and pickup services, making hiring a refrigerated trailer convenient for you.

Additionally, many trailers for hire are designed for easy accessibility, with features like ramps and ample interior space.

Fridge Trailer Contract Hire Wembley Park

Fridge trailer contract hire service is a convenient solution for businesses or individuals in need of temporary refrigeration solutions.

Instead of hiring or purchasing a refrigerated trailer outright, which can be a significant upfront investment, a contract for trailer hire offers the flexibility of renting the equipment for a specified period.

What is a Fridge Trailer?

A fridge trailer is essentially a freezer trailer unit designed to transport and store perishable goods at controlled temperatures.

It’s like a portable refrigerator on wheels. These trailers come equipped with refrigeration systems that allow users to regulate the internal temperature, ensuring that items like food, beverages, or other temperature-sensitive goods are kept at the desired conditions during transport or storage in Wembley Park.

Where Are Fridge Trailers Used?

A refrigeration trailer can fit into a variety of settings due to its versatility. One common application is in the catering industry, where these trailers serve as chiller trailers for events, weddings, and large gatherings.

Another key sector is the food and beverage distribution industry. Chiller trailers are employed to transport perishable goods from one location to another while maintaining the necessary cold storage conditions. This is crucial for preserving the quality and safety of products during transit.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I need to power the refrigerated trailers?

To power refrigerated trailers, you’ll need a power source to keep the generator and the refrigeration unit running in a refrigerated trailer.

These trailers typically require electricity to operate the cooling system and maintain the desired temperature for storing perishable goods.

How long can you rent a refrigerated trailer for?

Generally, you can rent a refrigerated trailer from a single day up to several weeks or even months.

It’s essential to discuss your requirements with the rental provider to determine the most suitable location and rental duration for your situation.

Do fridge trailers have insurance?

The need for insurance for a fridge trailer often depends on the rental company and your specific agreement.

It’s common for rental service companies to offer insurance options to protect against potential damages or accidents during the rental period.

Fridge Trailer Safety Standards / Environmental Requirements

Safety Standards

Environmental Requirements


Fridge trailer hire offers a flexible and convenient solution for various needs, providing temporary refrigerated storage for events, businesses, or emergencies.

These trailers find applications in diverse settings, including catering events, food distribution, and storage during renovations.

If you would like to find out more about refrigerated trailer hire in Wembley Park, get in touch with our team today to discuss your refrigerated trailer hire options.

Searches Associated with Fridge Trailer Hire

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great fridge trailer hire services in London.

Here are some towns we cover near Wembley Park.

Wembley, Kingsbury, Kenton, Harrow, Willesden
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What Others Say About Our Services

"Our company regularly hire freezer trailers, and the team at Fridge Trailer hire provided an exceptional service, we would highly recommend"

Charlie Lawson
Greater London

"Top-notch quality and service! We hesitated to hire a fridge trailer for our outdoor wedding, but Fridge Trailer Hire Pro exceeded our expectations. The unit was clean, well-maintained, and the flexible rental options fit perfectly with our event"

Dan Roy
Greater London

For more information on fridge trailer hire services in Wembley Park, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

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